

租约中贸易除外区(TRADING EXCLUSION)的评注意见

租约中的贸易区有两种陈述方式,一是直接述明,这适用于较小地理区域的航运服务。另一是订明一个很大的地理区域,然后再列出除外区域,其用语为:“全球贸易区与除外贸易区(WORLD WIDE TRADING WITH TRADING EXCLUSION)”。当然租家要求贸区愈大愈好而除外区愈小愈好,但船东则相反,因此双方要通过协商,这要视租家的经营地区、市场供需、租金高低而定。一般船东将会提出以下几项除外区:
2,战区(WAR ZONE)但是怎样才能称为战区双方会各执一词,因此站在船东立场应再加一条战区条款(WAR CLAUSE),其内容约为“船东认为该地区有战争危险即有权不驶往”,特别是要注意NYOE(纽约土产)的期租合同范本中无此条而须新添加进去。,
3,冰况严重区域虽然在IWL中,已规定不许去指定的冰况极其严重的地区,但世上还有不少IWL中未指定的冰况严重地区。因此有的船东要求加上冰况条款(ICE CLAUS)现成的这类条款可参见BALTIMORE租约条款, 大意是任何港口因冰况而撤除灯船、灯桩或因冰况而不能使船安全进出该港,船东则有权拒绝挂靠该港。有的船东甚至要求订立“不在任何冰况(ICE OF ANY KIND)下航行”的条款。以下条款措辞可借鉴:
       (a) The Vessel shall not be obliged to force ice but, subject to the Owners’ prior approval having due regard to its size, construction and class, may follow ice-breakers.
          (b) The Vessel shall not be required to enter or remain in any icebound port or area, nor any port or area where lights, lightships, markers or buoys have been or are about to be withdrawn by reason of ice, nor where on account of ice there is, in the Master’s sole discretion, a risk that, in the ordinary course of events, the Vessel will not be able safely to enter and remain at the port or area or to depart after completion of loading or discharging. If, on account of ice, the Master in his sole discretion considers it unsafe to proceed to, enter or remain at the place of loading or discharging for fear of the Vessel being frozen in and/or damaged, he shall be at liberty to sail to the nearest ice-free and safe place and there await the Charterers’ instructions
(c) Any delay or deviation caused by or resulting from ice shall be for the Charterers’ account and the Vessel shall remain on-hire.

(d)Any additional premiums and/or calls required by the Vessel's underwriters due to the Vessel entering or remaining in any icebound port or area, shall be for the Charterers' account.

         4, ITF区域 ITF为国际海运劳工联盟,该组织在某些港口有时会上船(主要对挂方旗的船)来调查船员的待遇是否低于该组织认定的最低标准,若低于此标准,它们会要船东补发船员工资与改善待遇,否则会采取些措施,甚至会影响到船期。经常出现这些事件的地区称为ITF地区, 但又没明确地指明是哪些港口属ITF地区,般来说芬、英、挪、瑞典、澳等处ITF的活动较频繁。有的条款虽订明不去 ITF地区,若家指明要去而又受ITF阻绕,则租金照付,但是租家不可能代船东给船员补薪加工资。
         5, 政治敏感地区 例如美国不许载有古巴(进出口)货物的船只进入美国,也不许个月内去过古巴港口的船只进入美国,所以有的船只将古巴也列入除外地区。又如过去国不许去过以色列、南非的船只进入中国,现在则没有此禁令了。

